I came across this at the video store (yeah they still exist) and rented it sight unseen. It sounded interesting and looked pretty screwed up due to the title and the woman on the front of the box clawing to get out. As an avid horror fan, I figured it would be a little torture experimental film to pass a few hours.
I will admit as it started, I thought there was a chance I could fall asleep. It seemed as if nothing was happening after a pretty mysterious and exciting opening sequence where our leading man watches water boil and mysteriously seems to destroy a woman in his basement. But it's all done "behind closed doors" - offering a much classier experience than the DVD cover alluded too.
After that though, it seems to plod along. There is a scene at our lead professors classroom, he plays cards with a friend, were introduced to our lead female, she is kidnapped. It all seemed pretty run of the mill after the exciting beginning.
If I am being honest, I almost turned the film off wondering where it would go from here - it just wasn't holding my attention. Well I am so very pleased I did not. After about the 30/45 minute mark I was hooked. Not to a horror film, but to a truly sad character piece. If there is any reason to watch this film (and there are more than one) its the leading performance. I have never heard of Casey Chapman before, but I cannot imagine not hearing about him again. This is the kind of performance an actor would die for with so much material to sink his/her teeth into.
So go into this film looking for a killer leading performance, not so much a killer killing people off film. (This is NOT to say this film isn't disturbing .. it is. Perhaps more-so than the type of film I thought I was getting into)
I would recommend the film to those who enjoy something a little darker, a little quieter.