This three part documentary series tells the story of the killing of Akku Yadav. It is a very unusual case; for years he had terrorised the people of Kasturba Nagar, a slum area of the city of Nagpur with impunity. His crimes included murder, rape and extortion. Eventually he was arrested and during his bail hearing a large number of women forced their way into the court and killed him. The authorities seemed far keener to arrest these poor woman than they were to stop Yadav. The series starts with his death before telling us about his crimes; this takes the form of first person testimony from surviving victims. There are also statements from Yadav's friends who refuse to believe he could have committed the crimes he was accused of.
I found this to be a really interesting documentary. When one first learns about a man being lynched in court it is hard not to think that nothing could justify such action but the more we learn about his crimes and the authorities' refusal to do anything about them one can't help be far more sympathetic to his victims than him. As well as shining a light on a specific case it also servers to highlight the treatment of the Dalit community, the so-called Untouchables, at the time. The format of interviews mixed with some re-enactments of key events is really effective. Overall I'd definitely recommend this to people interested in real crime stories or those interested in India and its people, particularly how those at the bottom of society are treated.