With Breaking Bad ending, I wouldn't really know what other series to watch anymore in that genre area. But when I heard about Low Winter Sun, I was relieved because its exactly what I'm looking for.
If you're like me and you like those anti-hero suspense type series, you wont be let down. Its one of those shows where you're never really sure about the characters. It's the show where it gets so suspenseful that you fall right out of your seat.
Of course I doubt this show will overcome the greatness of Breaking Bad (just like I doubt any show ever will) but this one might just satisfy me enough even with a predecessor like Breaking Bad. I also think that's why the critics are being so critically hard on this show, its because it's got such an amazing show ending, so people don't give it a chance. Heck, people were even complaining Breaking Bad was too slow of a show after the first 2 episodes and that's only because Mad Men was at such a good stage.
Anyway, in conclusion, this show looks great and I really hope for people to realize its greatness and give it a chance