This movie is so awfully bad that it is great again. Grab yourself a bunch of physicists, hard liquor and try to follow the epic plot of this miracle. Prepare for a movie so bad that it could not even get product placement and had to relabel the Mars bars in the vending machines. We had to pause every once in a while to recap and discuss how this is not how things are supposed to work.
So this is one of Germany's most expensive TV productions meaning some states chipped in and demanded that therefore they have to be in this movie. This explains why the so called heroes have to pick cucumbers in the beginning before travelling all over the country on their way to Geneva, and also there are people trapped in a mine somewhere for reasons. Part of the story takes place at an unspecified accelerator in Geneva because CERN rightfully felt insulted when being approached to lend the name to this movie and was having none of it. I don't want to spoil the rest of the plot and just realized I am wasting my time writing a review for this thing.
You might like this movie if:
you are a physicist with a taste for bad movies
need to kill time at a test beam
played half-life 2 and want to see how it ends
like sharknado or really bad movies in general