I Just Greatly Influenced By The show. It Not Just A t show it can change our society. Film superbly does its job as a social responsibility educator. The film finishes on a relatively positive note, showing that if we act now, we can in fact make the necessary change. The amount of research Aamir and his team has put into the show was clearly visible with the facts and figures presented. Every aspect of the issue was covered with great diligence. The show began with some shocking stories of mothers who struggled to give birth to their girl child and how they are bringing them up now. Contrary to our assumption, educated people from big cities foster such practices. On the show, Mitu Khurana who is a doctor by profession revealed how her in-laws tortured her when they found out that she was pregnant with twin girls. Wife of an orthopedic surgeon, Mitu's story was an eye opener for all.
The only light moment in the entire 90 minute show was Aamirs conversation with some young men from a Haryana village. They are all unmarried as the number of girls in their village is extremely low. From interviews, bar charts to video conferencing, different formats used in the show enhanced the impact of the message. Its indigenously a thoughtful , awakening show. Its a beacon light for millions of people. It creates awareness about the backward regions of India & show us the other side of the coin. The show focuses on sensitive social issues prevalent in India such as female foeticide, child sexual abuse, rape, honour killings, domestic violence, untouchability, alcoholism, and the criminalization of politics.