Statistician John Wilkins finds himself falling out of a plane and calculates that the moment of impact will take place in three minutes and forty eight seconds
What attracted me to this short film is the snappy premise . A man falls out of a plane and finds himself about to hit the ground . I wonder how he gets out of that one ? I also caught WORLD WAR Z on the Honest Trailer website showing the laughable " Oh how does Brad Pitt escape a plane full of zombies " sequence and no matter what anything would be an improvement on that , though I was curious how 43,000 FEET could achieve a stunt sequence without the budget . To be honest this isn't the point of the film and if you're expecting something spectacular you're going to be disappointed . Instead the film takes a philosophical approach as to what may happen if you suddenly find yourself sky-diving without the benefit of a parachute . One thing that is noticeable is the narrator has a calm , calculating rather aloof tone which reminded me slightly of how Mr Spock might meet probable death but I'm guessing this is to make the audience concentrate on what is being said , same as flashy visuals would detract from the dialogue . I also found strange that a statistician wouldn't mention that travelling by aeroplane is the safest form of travel . As it stands this is a fair short but nothing outstanding