Yellow Door: 90s Lo-fi Film Club is an intimate story and documentary of a group of Korean university students getting together with common interests and dreams. Narrated by Joon Ho a famous directer and member of the club made much of it interesting with stories of the 90s - remember Windows 3.1 didn't even come out until 1993 and there was no such thing as an IPhone. Main form of networking was through the college bulletin board. Animation was in such an elementary stage at that time frame by frame it was a miracle just to make 1 little character. So loved the reminiscing as remember much of it including how everyone copied the movies back then. However found some of the other's members stories a little boring or slow going but all in all kind of reminds me of photography when you would develop photos yourself in a bath of silver solution for so many seconds and bring it up and manipulate it like real artistry - you just got into it with your heart and soul and just felt it. Digital manipulation just doesn't give you the same feeling. The Yellow Door members were doing the same thing - they got into it with their heart and soul and some dreams came through and some didn't. It's only 1 1/2 hr so give it a watch.