I don't know why this is getting such a low rating. It's just the right kind of weird for my sense of humour.
The show is basically a series of skits, all focusing on the antics of eccentric, but somehow believable characters in the outer suburbs. Apparently filmed in Melbourne, but it could be the outer burbs of any Australian city really.
Sam Simmons really shines in this. Not wishing to pigeon hole the guy, but I actually think his skit characters are a bit funnier than his stand up. Something he would have in common with John Cleese, is that his face is much funnier in close up.
Great to see Anthony Morgan in there as well. He's a good comedian, and there just isn't enough of him on tele.
I hope they do another season. Again, I enjoyed it. But going by the user ratings, perhaps it's a little too out there for some.