Blimey; what is going on here in this corner of the Russian (Mari area / province) federation?
A pretty good 'Women's Day' choice of the female lot, since virtually all female sexually driven vignettes*, although with the connection between them all that only becomes eventually apparent toward the end: by which: RECOMMENDATION:
so would recommend / caution you, to enjoy / realise, then DON'T read any synopsis beforehand;
but just let wash over you, sit through the purpose to be seen / common theme on display being - seemingly - such varied manifestations of (pagan belief?) female desire, sexuality expression*; ranging over and insofar as: weird literal flights of fancy, woodland terrors, 'death becomes her' (?!), and - presumably - fantasising flirting fertility (husband selection!) like rituals .. ("They've turned into guys again! They've spilled our kissel!" What?!)
All in all, these vignettes add up to a quite perplexing, bewildering range of femininity and their wiles: and overall, how women seem to, ah, accommodate, their sexual desiring, sexually driven partners.
Despite this apparent titillation, you may find, is it all really worth sitting through, watching these largely village wenches enact their region's odd sexually based mores? (Although, apparently, all, or most, the invention of director Fedorchenko, and as based on screenwriter, from his own book, Denis Osokin. **)
Yet, yes, it is; as still, perhaps the main point to watch this all the way through is if for only the final 'reveals' of the 'stars' - (having - sometimes, possibly - played?) - themselves***: for it alone, it's absolutely utterly wonderful (Ormachiya's giggling! Ahh.) and completely well worth the waiting for!
Brilliant; for in its way, a female centric, fascinating 'feminist' theme.
* except for one, almost 'exception that proves the rule', I like to think: yett still in it, the ladies' perspective!
** for as for the brief, almost 'blink and you'll miss it' toadstools one, with seemingly far too young girl to know what she is to announce .. well, really; .. what can you say (Denis / Aleksey) ...?
*** Yana Esipovich as just briefly, 'Oshvika', has for example, previous appearance in 'Dry Valley' (also reviewed, too, hereunder.)
(P. S. Gotta share; buxom 'Oshalyak's 'journey' was my favourite.)