It is a Netflix Series with flawless art direction. Emotional, Eva Lasting is too funny with a great setting of 70´s in Bogotá, Colombia; a spectacular cast and according to each moment of story it has a wonderful literature references about different writers, specially about latin american boom.
The soundtrack is amazing due to it leads the viewer to remember memorable times of our fathers and their school moments; Disco Music and romantic balads of Anita Ward, Roberto Carlos, Camilo Sesto, Etc. (Read this singing "you can ring my beeeeeeeell, ring my bell..."
As well, the cinematography has a sthetic fineness through a fine composition and the seria has a great actors direction.
Finally, throughout to series, it shows important elements about colombian idiosyncrasy by means of a romantic comedy. So, such as in all series, tv shows, movies, it has a little bad details for example long dialogues but I fell that are necessary in order to create a good context of the epoch.
Really, I hope a second season.