Well, everyone struggles through something or so it seems that way in this world. We always have something that we just have a difficult time managing or gaining control over. This short film is all about the mind struggle and the topic was pornography. Without going into anything personal about my journey with this, I just don't go there anymore like I used to. I have lot of opportunities if I want, but I don't believe it's on the top on my list of desires anymore. I like how they put the mind inside of it's own 'boxing' battle. Emotionally, it was put together very well. Sometimes when other priorities take focus in our lives, we can easily manage the part of our life that is a struggle to overcome. The actress who plays Katy is very beautiful. This was a short film that depicts a husband overcoming his struggle with a pornography addiction. Watch to see how he handles it in his mind. This is how I want to handle every obstacle in my mind, like a fighter that won't go down and if I do for any reason, I will rise and get back up over and over again. I saw this on the Upliftv Channel and they represent Christianity and the bible. Hopefully we find the world that just represents and stands for love some day.