I've seen movies/shows with worse acting than this, shows where actors don't even know who their character is, shows with plots so generic than a toddler could predict the premise of every episode. And I've loved many of those movies/shows, just from the charm and the feel-good atmosphere. They're a guilty pleasure, something you love despite the fact that you know it has zero substance.
This series has all the bad acting, lack of chemistry and boring plot with but none of the charm. The main character, Meredith, bribes her students to act like they're learning with fake money, she stalks a guy two minutes after meeting him, and takes her class of children with her, she goes to a child's parents workplace and makes a false, public claim of sexual assault (simply because they were worried about her teaching style, which is warranted since she never worked a day before lying her way into the job, let alone get a teaching degree). Had any of these things been explained at all, by some tragedy in her life, the show might not have seemed so awful, but there was no explanation. In fact multiple characters laughed it off and after watching this woman hit on a rich guy solely for his money in every episode, we are expected to believe she is a good person.