I started off quite expecting some female led criminal gangsterism. At first I just found it unbelievable. After a while I just started treating it as a farce and from then on found it quite amusing. The anachronisms are just laughable. In the knock out female police cadets there are two non white applicants. There would be no black female police officers for another fifty years! Wpcs until relatively recently were restricted to ferrying children about and being with distressed women. Completely different from today when female cops are just regular cops. The atmosphere in the clubs and private party was nothing if not contemporary! The entire notion of this being shortly after WW1 is farcical! Nothing of the period is accurate in the slightest. Having now seen all six episodes I can say that is a shameful waste of a decent cast and shed loads of money. The dialogue is painful. The main character Kate Galloway seems to have been on strike! She's supposed to a tough ruthless woman but when someone speaks to her she just stares gormlessly into space! The story line is repetitive and I've seen enough satin underwear to last me a lifetime. I fear there may be a second season. I'll give it a miss..