I will try to be impartial as I'm a Yang Zi fan , for me , as an international fan of kdrama , cdrama and tdrama , I find a lot cdrama corny. I'm also not a fantasy fan as I find a lot of impossible nonsense of some acts and plots. When I first heard that this is a book adaptation which is a lot popular , I was very hopeful and since Tong Hua personally supervised the shooting , I began very hopeful. Soon , I'm watching the 1st episode and I was hook already , why ....... because of the setting , the vivid colors of the setting are one of the most beautiful I have ever seen except in Hollywood films. Regarding the actors , especially as I never seen them act before , ZWY , TJC , DW ... they really suit the characters . For 2023 , this is only the 2nd drama I love and for me the best yet... 1st drama is My Starry Love for the lead female role of being the badass. YZ here is very good as expected but the emotions the role needed is really in another level. She really gave a very very great performance , they all do . It may not be perfect but I can't imagine any other who can give justice for the characters the role need. Congrats to the whole LYF family
the role of YZ is a badass as she can overcome all hardship and rise to it on her own. No revenge , no hate , but SELF LOVE , a person's journey.