This had a really strong start but unfortunately it swayed away from what I originally thought this series would be.
When I watched the first 4 or 5 episodes I was super excited thinking that I finally ended up finding a Ninja themed anime series that takes place in a modern time. Unfortunately the series ends up with a big focus on Mecha armor which is used heavily by both antagonists and protagonists. I suppose some folks might not be bothered by this but once the sci-fi armor action began it really started feeling like I was watching action scenes from a completely different series. I personally enjoyed the action a whole lot more when it was folks battling each other without fancy Iron Man-esque suits. I'd also like to mention that these suits are CGI drawn which, in my opinion, doesn't look or move as great as the hand drawn animation in this series.
The only other nitpick that kept coming to my mind is that after the first 2 or 3 episodes we only seem to see the supporting cast speak about what to do next or what they should do against an opponent. They barely gave any attention to the main character when it comes to suggesting a plan or even share his thoughts about the situations. Thankfully we do get to see a lot more from him in the flashbacks we see throughout. Though I will admit a lot of the other characters we see are super charismatic and felt very unique.
While I found the story a bit entertaining I must admit that it wasn't exactly anything out of this world. It starts off as a normal revenge story but unfortunately the longer it went the more it seemed like the creators were trying to cram way too many different concepts into 1 package. I actually found myself enjoying the flashbacks more than what was occurring in the present.
If you wish to see 'turn-off your mind' action I'd say give it a chance, the action in the first half of the series is great in my opinion. If you're expecting regular ninjas without Iron Man suits then you may end up disappointed once the Sci-Fi kicks in. I honestly would've rated this higher if it didn't shift from 'Modern day Ninjas' to 'Mecha-Ninjas'.