Struggling artist Hermann (Sean McGrath) leases a rundown apartment from his uncle and continues to struggle with his mobile-centered art pieces. That is until a tiny hole in the wall spits out a string with a note attached saying, "Relax, I can help." The hole begins speaking to him in a seductive female voice and soon the hole starts producing tumors (!) that Hermann places on his mobiles. The fleshy orbs intoxicate any viewer, making Hermann an instant success in the local art scene. Of course, the partnership comes with a price. I was drawn to this horror dark comedy just by the poster and one sentence plot synopsis on TubiTV. Writer-director Michael Medaglia delivers on the film's weird promise, coming off almost as a low budget combo between David Lynch and latter day Henenlotter. The premise might run a little thin at 80 minutes but I was entertained the entire time. His skewering of the indie art world is hilarious.