I don't want to make a final judgment on the revival yet. Don't get me wrong...I love it so far, but it could do better (if you've ever seen the original series, you'll know what I'm talking about). Here's a short list of what I think they'll need if they want to bring back the magic of the original:
1. Aisha needs to become more comfortable with the cast and tell more jokes. I know she's new so I'll cut her a break for now, but hopefully by the end of this season all the awkwardness will be gone. For me, the biggest things are her jokes. They seem flat and safe and definitely unlike Drew's from the old show (granted, he was pretty awkward in his first season too). Haven't heard a "...and the points don't matter. That's right, they're like (something that doesn't matter)." Her unscripted parts (reactions, mostly) seem to be very tame too...nothing more than playful nudges (we need full-on attacks like Carey gave us in the first series). I am a hugggge Archer fan so I know Aisha is capable of being funny.
2. Change the ending format. I know in the first few seasons (maybe just the first) of the original series they did what this series is doing now...the "winner" reads the credits. This needs to stop and they need to get the "final game with the host" going again. This will make Aisha more comfortable with the cast and give us more jokes. Also, what's up with the no "Irish Drinking Song"s? That, World's Worst and Props are always the best three to finish a show off with.
3. Stop with the lame guests and bring back Proops. Firstly, the guests are awkward and are nothing more than eye candy. OK, the Glee kid was fun, but that was the exception, not the rule. Most of them stand around, confused and shy and it just pains me to watch it. If you bring in a guest, make sure they're down like a clown Charlie Brown. Also, Greg Proops was always the funniest fourth in the original series and it will greatly sadden me if they don't use him at all in this one.