The Pact was a good movie. Great even, but why it got a sequel is beyond me. The Pact 2 is connected by the fact that the killer from the first one, Judas, has a copycat going around and it's somehow tied to this forensic cleaner. The lead is fine in the role, quite good actually, and the main girl from the last movie makes an appearance. There's also a creepy FBI agent who's the guy who plays a creepy character in basically everything he's in, and he's fine, and then there's the main character's love interest who is a cop. This dude is a terrible actor and unfortunately a good amount of the plot rests on his shoulders. The plot itself is so ludicrous though it's impossible for anyone to save it. They tie a supernatural element to the whole thing, combined with a murder mystery and psychological drama and it just bites off way more than it can chew. After a while it gets convoluted to the point that you just want to see it end.
The scares are mediocre at best. There are a few cheap jump scares, but a majority of the movie is atmospheric and slow burning. Unfortunately slow burning comes across as boring when trying to piece together a plot that makes absolutely no sense. I wouldn't say The Pact 2 is an awful movie. There's some promise here, but it's muddled in messy storytelling and a lack of quality scares. Maybe worth watching on a drunken night if you've seen the first movie. Even then, The Pact 2 is a sloppy and forgettable sequel.