2 documentaries were made in 2023 and 2024 about the way in which things went terribly haywire after the passing of Srila Prabhupada and the carving of the ISKCON organization into 12 zones 12 gurus
Some of these young men were really not up to the task .... how could anyone fill those holy shoes? No one was the answer
This is tough viewing here all centered around New Vrindavan in West Virginia
It covers abuse physical and sexual of children and adults it covers criminal financial activities , mostly it covers 2 murders and the indictment of the perpetrators
This docu here is well researched really takes its time and looks at all the facets
The end of the 3rd episode is very respectful to the religious group described and shows all that has been rebalanced, rectified and leaves you feeling humbled by what has just been recounted.
Much recommended to anyone who is interested in Gurus Religion religious groups and abuse within them
It is at no point a look at the sect boohoo bad people which the more recent documentary which covers others failed gurus of the same organization as well as New Vrindavan in a more surface way and is definitely a sects-are-bad hatchet job more voyeuristic and VERY judgemental
Monkey on a Stick (2024)This one here is not. Respect to the makers of this; this one here helps and will help devotees come to terms with the darkness which visited then.
Hare Krishna Haribol. 🙏🙏