This series pairs a police detective with an unusual partner, like many other shows before it. In this instance, the detective has been working an undesirable beat and needs to get back in the chief's good graces. His partner is a con artist who is street smart, clever, and possesses unique skills. Giacomo Gianniotti plays the cop, Cole Ellis, who is ordered to team up with grifter Max Mitchell (Vanessa Morgan) after circumstances throw them together and the results are good.
What makes this show is the writing. Max is witty and quick on her feet. Morgan does an excellent job of delivering the lines that drive the humor. She is also beautiful, which contributes to the potential chemistry between the two unlikely partners. Gianniotti plays the straight man---a reluctant recipient of her barbs and her ingenious methods, which sometimes break the rules.
"Castle" had a similar vibe. The characters in "Wild Cards" are affable and very watchable. And there is a synergy from teaming the two.
The cases they work on are interesting and the action can be fast-moving as they decipher clues and solve crimes.