Poorly written and a horrible portrayal of working women .. whoever worked on this is very far removed from reality.
The first episode was saturated in stupidity.
Extremely insulting to business professional women who actually know how to manage their children and home life.
If she had been employed for anyone other than her father, she would've been out of a job.
The amount of times she bailed on her responsibilities because of "no nanny" was ludicrous and a weak excuse at best.
Her children were old enough to know how to act, yet were spoiled brats allowed to run amuck.
I felt no sympathy for them and didn't like any of their characters.
The youngest needed to learn manners and was in dire need of basic home training.
AND (shocker!) she was divorced - the father was never around to help out with kids but could take vacations with his much younger mistress.
The eye candy of the "manny" is the only reason for the 3 stars and even that was being overly generous.
I don't know why I continue to renew my Netflix subscription because all they can manage to churn out is flops.