Sub plots were begun, under developed and never brought to conclusion. The viewer is just left wondering why the scenes were included. Another weakness is the lack of period correctness and the obvious lack of research done by the producers. In one early scene, Lewy (Robert Davi) says they "must keep under the radar." Since radar was only just invented and not even called radar yet plus the fact that the Germans didn't find any value in it means that the term "Under the Radar" couldn not have been in the period lexicon. The car that Lewy (Davi) is drving around in hadn't been made until 1949. What is it with this generation of movie producers? Do they think that everything before the year 2000 was all the same and no one will know the difference? That lack of attention to detail is one of the things that causes the movie to fail. It causes the actors to stay in the present instead of getting into the period. Tom Selleck once said of the movie "Quigley Down Under" that they had custom rifles, pistols and saddles specially made to be period correct... saying that the authenticity makes it much easier for the actors to stay in character.