Can I just start by saying, when is Jack Brockett gonna do some more stuff? That man is brutally hot, and he carried the movie with strong acting throughout.
As for the rest of the cast, they really try, and while the end product is more uncomfortable and awkward than anything, everyone has their moments. I went in with very, very low expectations, and I think that helped. I enjoyed the film despite the cheese and clumsy execution. Its heart is in the right place. I liked some of the concepts and ideas, but I feel like much of it was wasted on rushed scenes and an attempt to force in a twist. There was some potential in the story, even with the illogical elements, but the creators didn't seem to have the tools necessary to make it work. Not a budget issue, just an experience issue, I'm guessing. Like I said, they tried.
My biggest frustration is that this sort of theme is really rare in gay films, so you have to accept the lower quality stuff or go without entirely. I can't think of a single other gay thriller off the top of my head that doesn't just lead to misery. Typically you can have "uplifting/hopeful but cheesy and clunky" or "beautiful and high quality but bleak and tragic," and it gets old. Here's hoping things are truly changing in the genre.
Overall, you could find this movie entertaining if you go in with the understanding that it's akin to a student film where the director had to cast their friends. For me, a gorgeous, brooding man making out with another reasonably attractive dude with that theme of protectiveness/betrayal hanging over them was enough for me. I knew what I was getting into. If you do, too, then give this a shot. Otherwise, look elsewhere.