OK, there is a lot to say about Alpha and Omega 2. It's a great movie but not the best sequel in terms of length. The actors and actresses, were amazing, sounding like the original. Even though the originals couldn't reprise their roles, they found actors and actresses who not only did a great job but continued their amazing work. The animation could be a little better but we got a sequel, so we should at least be happy about that. Kate Higgins, from what I heard, she has a great voice and fits the role of Kate, just like Hayden Panettiere was when she voiced Kate in the original. The only problem with the movie is length, it's too short and still did not expanded much of the story.
As for the story line, there was still so much holes left out that weren't covered in the original. The plot holes include Garth's mother, where was she? Humphrey's parents? Where are they? So many questions were still left out. The story line for the movie was OK, but they should have expanded the story line of the first one, including the past of either Humphrey or Garth and show what happened to Humphrey's parents or Garth's mother. They could have still included the pups, but expanding the story line is a good move because it adds a new story on the character instead of just making a new movie.
The music, I got to say is pretty OK, love how they are using the same score from the first one but these movies lack their own score, different scores add new themes to the movie. Did Twilight use the same score over and over, no... they used different scores in each movie. That's one of the only things this series needs, it needs their own score as well, love how the original is used but new music can help the movie in more ways than you will think. Like they could make a love theme for Kate and Humphrey or for Lilly and Garth. They could easily made a creepy score to when the rogue wolves came in, giving away to the fact that they are bad wolves. That was one of the best things that made the original a great movie was the score. It was so beautiful, it added emotions to the story. My only hope is that in the future, with the possibility of more sequels coming, that they create their own score for them and adding to the story.
So overall, this movie was somewhat well done but still needs to fill in the plots holes from the first movie. This series can do that, all it needs is the story line to be expanded and focus on the back story of characters, so we can see what made and shaped these characters into what we see in the movie. It's also adds certain themes to movies like a character having a bad past can either add a sad theme to the story. I always loved the Alpha and Omega movies, and thought this series deserves a little more praise than it's been getting. The sequels are not bad movies, they just need a chance. There will be good movies and bad movies, but this movie is not one of the bad movies. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but at least give this movie a chance.