So weird i loved the first two episodes,, the minute i'v read the reviews i was so scared even to watch the pilot , but the series is way far from those bad reviews, The Series is organized, the plot is smooth and easily understandable and the dialog is fast in a tense intriguing way ... the screenplay seems to be strong and tightly written considering the shortage of experience of Kim Benabib and only with 14 episodes of Weeds written by Roberto Benabib the script turned out unexpectedly connected and catchy.
The script or let me be more general .. the story basically revolves around three characters; the naive careless low level state department employee Alex Talbot with his dream to be a CIA operative , Walter Larson who seems rational and thoughtful on the table but also a drinker sex-addict and mouth full of "bad" comments and finally Zeke Tilson the drug-addict fighter pilot who always needs the combination of money and drugs to keep himself sane on the Jets-Reg ... see all of those three have a mission to stop world war 3 from happening... in a funny but thrilling development of events the series looked really strong.
As for the cast, well the threesome of Jack Black, Tim Robbins and Pablo Schreiber works amazingly here in a dumb, sarcastic but dreamy funny way.
So Overall, the series really caught my attention in the those first two episode ,, it is a comedy based on fictional so i think people who say its full of Zionist propaganda should just chill out a bit and i do think it has a bit of "Veep" in it but i believe it is a good thing for the show, i mean who doesn't love Veep but now with a different story and different characters.