This amazing documentary about the women's fight for their independence and for the reproductive rights it is a great learning about the history of feminism movement and of his implications in the current society. Using statements, videos and photos, the doc. shows to his public how have emerged the feminists organizations in the patriarchal society from 1960's. Essential questions, even in the current days, are presented in the historical and social context with seriousness and emotion by the documentary, starting from the most important point of view, of the women who fought for their rights in a time when do not there was any right for this group. Images of speeches and memorable protests builds a scenario of the reality lived for the women in the 60's decade and the courage, brilliance and intelligence of the first feminist group in the USA. Exploring the differences between the many kinds of movements existing in a fight so multiple, the Mary Dore's job explores the fundamental flags of the feminism, like the body rights, the abortion question, the financial equality and equal opportunities, the black feminism and the women's history. All of this presented dynamically, without become tiresome. The documentary brings a hope from a world more egalitarian and more free for the personal decisions, mainly for the women, in a decade where their rights are threatened around the world.