I went into this without knowing anything about it coming originally from an anime/manga comic and to say I found it bizarre in the extreme is an understatement.
It just goes to show that when you think the moviemakers have run out of ideas, along comes something mind blowing that will challenge that idea.
The acting is excellent and the story is just bizarre, weird, strange, outlandish; so many words that can describe its crazy idea but it works - a man with what looks like a speaking male sex toy as his left hand with a human eye on it, not only was it bizarre it was hilarious and yet the extremely gruesome violence in the movie was total incongruous to the humorous side of the story.
It really is hard to describe you really have to watch it to see it and believe it. This one deserves nothing less than a solid 7 stars out of 10 for its ingenuity, super CGI effects and solid acting from all concerned!