"Are you ready!" The young gangster Bones, played by Emmanuel Isaac, who lives and dies Olmec gang banger philosophies, yells to his Santa Muerte face painted crew before he puts the hit on Eloy Rosales, played by Albertho Garcia. It's a retribution killing after Eloy stomped to death Tiger De'Leon, played by European actor Marius Iliescu, the merciless sexual predator.
All the actors in the film have their moments and have memorable one-liners, courtesy of lead actor and screenplay writer Zachary Laoutides who plays Rory King a half Mexican and white Olmec gang member trying to navigate his way out of a life of criminality. Laoutides invests all his larger then life characters inside an urban odyssey, they are individual social adventures getting us closer to Rory's goal of leaving town, but in actuality they push him further from his goal.
The subtle performances that seem to analyze and survive every situation they're in belong to Laoutides and Garcia, best friends for life and a bond that forces Rory to treat Eloy with special gloves resulting in them becoming deep into misfortune with the Olmec Jefe's, aka the bosses. From the opening of the movie the scene unseals intensity from Rory and Eloy and the ending closes the film with the same nerve-wracking sentiment from these two fine performances.