This is an example of a truly remarkable and artistic masterpiece for the anime, and perhaps entertainment world in general.
It is such an atmospheric experience, with many compelling characters and even more compelling and mind-blowing stories with each episode. It is episodic like the seasons before, but that kind of setup ultimately proves to be done masterfully and with great nuance.
Ginko continues to be a fantastic and thoughtful protagonist who encounters these various Mushi-related incidences in some very resourceful and interesting ways.
Some of the episodes in this series are absolutely breathtaking, containing a large amount of emotional baggage, as well as some twists and turns that keeps the viewer on edge. Some of the moments from this show are truly moving, and after viewing I feel that I have actually gained a lot from this series.
Zoku Shou 2nd Season is equally as good as the first season for me, and there were so many moments where I was blown away. The writing is fantastic, and the slow pacing is done in such a remarkable and captivating manner. Some could view this as boring since yet again, this show isn't exactly an action anime, or even neatly fitting into any other usual genre people are accustomed to. Yet, the differences with this series are something that people should at least try and watch, for I feel that they could come to really appreciate the beauty in the writing of this show.
The spiritual and mythological elements intertwining with these people's lives as well as the natural world around them are extremely moving and thought-provoking. This has proven to be one of the greatest series I have seen, period. Whether in the anime world or otherwise.