Any fan of Louie should also really enjoy this as he is one of the head writers. Like Louie it's beautifully dark, depressing, awkward, and absurd, without being completely over the top. I can't give it a star rating yet, as rating a show as a whole off only the pilot is silly, but I have to say I truly enjoyed the pilot much more than I thought I would and I was going in with pretty high hopes.
I will say this is not for everyone. Anyone who likes Zach Galafianakis because of The Hangover or Due Date will likely be unpleasantly surprised by this side of him. This is more along the lines of his older stand-up and his work with Tim & Eric.
Without spoiling anything there are some slapstick gags that would be considered "low brow" by some, but the fact that they are simply there and not acknowledged by anyone maintaining the somber mood of the show makes them much more hilarious than simply the joke itself.
As a final note, Louie Anderson is possibly the best casting choice in history.