The O'Flynn (1934). Musical/operetta. Material by Brian Hooker and Russell Janney. Based on the novel and play by
Justin Huntly McCarthy. Music by Franklin Hauser. Lyrics by
Brian Hooker and
Russell Janney. Musical Director: Giuseppe Bamboschek. Staged by Robert Milton. Choreographed by Louis Chalif. Directed by
Max Figman and
Olga Treskoff [final Broadway credit]. Broadway Theatre: 27 Dec 1934- 4 Jan 1935 (11 performances). Cast: Ruth Adams, Wilson Angel, Hugo Baldi,
William Balfour (as "Hendrigg"), David Bell, Charlotte Beverly, Barbara Blair, Emmy Bock, Lis Braemer, Virginia Brown, Colin Campbell, John Cardini, N. Cardosia, Pauline Chandler,
H. Cooper Cliffe (as "His Majesty King James II"), Richard Cody, Virginia Collins, Lucille Constant, Burr Crandall, Florence DeBarde, Vance Elliott,
Jules Epailly (as "The Cook"), Frank Fenton, Magnheld Fjeldheim, Walter Franklyn, John Fulco, Charles E. Galagher, Mitzi Garner, Lucille Gottlieb, Helen Grenelle, Marcia Grey, Joel Hamilton, Helen Hampton, Anna Heindl, Herman Holt, Charles Homer, Beverly Hosier, George Houston, Elwin Howland, Amelie Ideal, Rose Kearney, Eleanor Keenan, Elizabeth Kerr, Amanda King, Eugene King,Vera Kingsley, Nancy Knott, Leone Krauss, Maria Lama, Sylvia LaMarde, Lelia Laney, Ona Leonovitz, Paula Lind, Vera Lix, Madeline MacDonald, Edith Maison, Edward Martyn, Earl Mason, H.H. McCollum, John Mealey, Sallee Merrill, Lucy Monroe, George Monteer, Adrienne Munkeberg, Walter Munroe, Jean Newcombe, Raymond O'Brien, Raymond O'Toole, Madge Parker, Will H. Philbrick, Basil Prock, Orville Race, Basil Rallis, Lee Randall, Doris Rich, James Ross, Marion Ross, Marie Russel, Joseph Scandur, Rosalind Shaw, George Shields, Albert Soback, Sophie Stern, Merle Stevens, Miriam Stockton, Lillian Sullivan, Genevieve Svesson, Charles Tress, Anna Trockowna, Don Valentine, Henry Vincent, Buck Williams, Roy Williams, Thomas Williams, John Zak. Produced by Russell Janney.