[on who his favorite actors are] I think first, for me, has always been
Robert Duvall. When I was eight, I saw
Lonesome Dove. La gran aventura (1989) and something started in me, then. He has the best body of work I think we've ever seen, top to bottom. You can watch forty plus years of his work and never once see a false or manipulated moment. Then
Marlon Brando. When I was nineteen, I saw
Un tranvía llamado Deseo (1951) and
Nido de ratas (1954) and it was shocking. Just utterly different and completely magnetic. I was paralyzed. I didn't think anyone else knew about this guy, so I ran around trying to be like "Terry Malloy" for a few months. Watching Brando, for the first time, surprised me and watching him, for the five hundredth time, shocks me even more. He was like seeing a new primary color or something. There is no place to compare him.