Add enough WWII titles to your Amazon watchlist and they'll eventually surface this as a suggestion - it's exactly what you'd expect from a low-budget obscure project from someone who probably loved Band of Brothers and convinced himself he could make something similar. Is it good? Not really. Is it watchable? Sure; I made it to the end. Would I watch it again? No. Should you? Probably not, unless you're really desperate for some predictable WWII fluff
The series is dumb, and considering how it ends - I assume they anticipated a second season would come - I wouldn't bother wasting your time. It should have been a movie, and they should have written an ending. But I'd say the costumes and some sets and perhaps a few characters were good, although the uniforms and helmets everyone wears all look brand new off the shelf.
The story is forgettable, the music is like the pause-menu generic music you'd hear in 2000s Call of Duty video game. The Jeeps, tanks and C-47 they used for filming were cool.
The third episode is the best one of the six. The iron-on SS sticker they slapped onto the German boxer's tank top legit made me laugh out loud (and how does he magically go from POW to back with the Germans?) The captain's framed photo of his wife that he ominously glances at, clearly taken on an iPhone, printed out in black and white and tossed into a craft store frame lol And why don't any soldiers have division patches on their uniforms?
The characters are one-dimensional: a mean, punishing commanding officer... a French woman in a beret (!) who just happens to know all the intel and has her eyes on one of our American boys... a cartoonishly angry Nazi officer thirsty for revenge and blood and crushing walnuts in his fist... a hulking German tough guy straight out of Indiana Jones... a patriotic private who decides to fight with his buddies instead of taking a trip back home... a wounded soldier who heroically throws himself at the enemy to save his buddies... and the main guy, Dakks, a 40-something lieutenant with a mysterious past! Go on, leave me behind, save yourself!