The Thicket (2024) is a gritty Western thriller that has its moments but ultimately falls short of its potential. Based on Joe R. Lansdale's novel, the film sets up an intriguing premise: a young man seeking to rescue his kidnapped sister, teaming up with a bounty hunter and a quirky group of outcasts. The cast, led by Peter Dinklage, gives solid performances, especially Dinklage, who brings a grizzled charm and intensity to his role. Juliette Lewis also shines in her eccentric supporting part (on par with the performance of Dinklage, or even better).
Visually, the film captures the rough, unforgiving world of the frontier, with a stark and at times beautiful atmosphere. There's a tangible sense of danger and lawlessness, enhanced by a strong score that keeps the tension simmering.
However, despite these positives, The Thicket feels uneven. The pacing drags in places, with long stretches where not much happens. Some of the supporting characters, while entertaining, don't get enough depth to feel fully realized. I found the meeting with some characters rushed too. The plot, which starts strong, becomes somewhat predictable, relying on familiar Western tropes without offering much new to the genre.
Overall, The Thicket has moments of grit and character, but its inconsistent pacing and lack of fresh storytelling prevent it from being more than an average watch. It's worth seeing if you're a fan of the genre or the actors involved, but it doesn't quite leave a lasting impact.