So....just tell me, what's the purpose of making this pointless movie, huh? The whole story most of the time felt like a chicken whose head was chopped off but it didn't realize yet, so still running around in circle aimlessly until all the blood drained, then died finally. These two guys driving around in the wildness in Texas....for what? Looking here and there, then got ambushed finally as they would have expected, looking for the mailbox in the middle of nowhere for what?
The cinematography is good, desert wildness looks beautiful but at the same time, very cruel and vicious. The screenplay writer(s) at first seemed to have something to tell, but then seemed totally lost and didn't know how to continue, so just shot the film without any direction. We didn't see any justice was ever served, Mexican drug cartel? Yeah, just some words in the meaningless dialog. The survived Border Patrol guy was rescued by some illegal immigrants, yet those good Mexicans were cuffed after the guy was rescued, so where's the justice? An incident report was crossed out line by line then brushed under the carpet, the survived guy even had a choice either to stay put or transferred to the north border....So tell me, what's the purpose of making this film? I finally found out that I was one the headless chickens blindly following these border patrol morons in the wildness. I've tried very hard to see if there's anything really worth seeing out of it, but in the end, just turned out NADA.