The Kennedys After Camelot looks at the next generation of the Kennedy family and life following JFK and RFK's assassinations. It is hard to not compare it to the first series, The Kennedys, which was a perfect and successful dramatization of the Kennedy family. One must try to watch and judge this sequel on its own. On its own this sequel manages to hold its own and deliver some great moments.
The first series (The Kennedys) had close to no issues and earned praise and accolades from fans and critics. Unfortunately there are a few issues with its sequel. Katie Holmes is once again great as Jackie. Not only does she resemble her closely she sounds and acts like her. She manages to carry this series for the most part. However the series lacked a strong male lead to carry it all the way. Matthew Perry was badly cast as Teddy and mediocre in his portrayal. Perhaps they should have changed the time spent on certain parts, Perry as Teddy got a lot of screen time and for the first time in this production I felt the series dragged on. Jackie, JFK Jr and Joan Kennedy could have had more screen time. Joan was perhaps underused in this series. More care in the direction of the 1st half and changes to the screen time might have made a difference.
The second half was a big improvement on the first. It was more eventful and contained better moments. The beauty of the first series was how it resembled a Greek tragedy and while the events of Camelot are different those elements could still be incorporated. The last scene with JFK Jr was beautifully shot and contained these elements. The music worked well in the series and was very solemn when needed.
I was very excited and enthusiastic to hear they were making a sequel. There was certainly a lot of material to be dramatized. However I also knew that the first series was a hard act to follow. One should note that Camelot involves different events and time periods outside the White House. It is not so glorious or grand but slower and solemn.
If you loved the first series and interested in the Kennedys I recommend it.