Just discovered this show while laid up from some more surgeries and thus happy there are plenty of new-to-me episodes. The engineering marvel"-type shows can be OK but sometimes, branch into too much tech, so I watch those to ease into sleepytime/clear the mind from the aggravation and often horrors of the day (just looking at the things posted on my FB sites alone can keep anyone up nights- NOT a tech whiz, but rather, an animal atty and LT animal rescuer.
...Also, while some folks think watching these kinds (incl airplane crash shows/videos), & true crime shows can be maudlin, we ALL know awful things happen, so for ME, I am happy to see when a load of professionals get to the bottom of things AND prevent many other loss of souls from murderers to horribly maintained planes, etc. Of course, I am selective about the true crime shows to make sure the evil ones get locked up, no child/young folk murders, etc. BC THEN, for me, THAT would be too awful to watch, esp on a regular basis. BTW, the newer crime shows use a LOT more videos, and many use multiple cases in one show and thus are far better to watch...no more spending or scrolling past 22 minutes of commercials each hour while they stretch the show to an hour of repetitive discussions about the vic...show me more HOW they caught and convicted the perp, incl footage of the perp, how impressive it is that seemingly everything is on camera, where you see how the case would not have been solved without it, such as if this happened before everyone has cameras AND quality ones.