Dileesh Pothan's debut film led by Fahadh Faasil is a superb entertainer all the way. Based on a true incident, the story is indeed a slice of life and what we get to witness is actors living their characters. Till Dileesh chooses bringing in the core plot, we get a detailed introduction to Mahesh's life in Idukki. The opening song with the lyrics as beautiful as it described Idukki, making one want to book a trip there, we also get the glimpse into his small world within Idukki. He owns a photo studio and he excels in still photography. He lives with his aged father, has a couple of friends and his childhood sweetheart. It just felt like life presented as it is without any exaggeration.
Then, we reach the core plot point where Mahesh gets involved in a random fight and the whole detailing to where exactly the trigger happened is simply a writer's masterstroke. Mahesh loses the fight humiliating and vows to never wear his slippers till he gets his revenge. As the story progresses, touching upon a break up to one's bruised ego, not once the character slips up on his maturity. That's just the way he handles everything including his ego. Even when the characters chooses to get his payback, the approach doesn't let him slip out of character and that's brilliant writing clubbed with brilliant performance right there.
With an apt runtime of barely 2 hours, this is a fantastic film and is a must watch.