You cannot go wrong with something based on Tom Clancy's stuff. I am also an avid fan of Reacher. So the premise for this series and the main plot points are super entertaining, everything has great pace, beautiful establishing shots all around the world.
My only big problem is the silly little decisions that constantly challenge our suspension of disbelief. I will just give vague references without mentioning seasons, episodes or characters so you will not be able to see them coming if you watch the show.
But I find it preposterous that they expect us to swallow somebody snapping a neck from a rear naked choke. Or a father trying to reestablish a bond with his son taking him "on the field" when the father knows for a fact his life is in danger. Or the bad guys missing their first shots when they have the element of surprise. I understand you need to get to a shoot out, but they should have set up the situations better.
Other than these details, AWESOME stuff.