I have to admit halfway through I thought it was just recycled story of "Somewhere in Time" staring Christopher Reeve and Jane Seymour which I liked so I was entertained even if it was going to be the same end. But I think the ending was fantastic, and somewhat of a twist. I was like wow, that's different, plus they added something I found pretty cool to the end, especially if your a collector. So give it a go and watch the first episode, it may not be amazing for all, but it's entertaining, and some will love it. Now I need to see the next episode, and maybe that's a dud, maybe the rest are duds and I have to revise my review of the entire series. I'm certainly not going to trash the entire series without seeing them all. I think the Twilight Zone is a 10, but I don't like every single episode. So I will see how many I like and I'll come back and update how I feel. So far episode 1 was good.