An alcoholic drifter goes on the run after upsetting meth dealers, he turns up in a small town only to find himself hunted by the locals in a sick game of cat and mouse.
Very professionally made and fantastically directed I was fairly impressed with Happy Hunting early on. The concept though not original was handled well and everything seemed to be going well.
It has pacing issues but nothing too major, the issue really comes with a pointless side story and an ending that will really quite stun you. Why? Because it's bafflingly stupid, really stupid.
Up until that point for the most part I was enjoying Happy Hunting and thought it'd walk away with a comfortable rating, alas that ending is so counterproductive it damages the film.
Such a shame, whoever wrote that needs to sit in the corner and think about what he's done.
The Good:
Very well directed
The Bad:
That ending