Tawba astagfirallah..
Watching this heartwarmingly cheesy and sometimes extreme orphan teen drama has sometimes been like having a set of flashbacks.
If you have ever experienced trauma or family disfunction, some of these situations and scenes may trigger. But I found it also helped to process some old emotions. I think the writers have tactfully shown some difficult life situations that people of all ages may face from time to time. I often have to pause it because I felt overwhelmed and needed to think about my own life.
I read another review of someone who became more polite to their parent. I had a similar feeling.
I feel like the first season was very high story writing and production value but the rest was just to cash in on the brand.
Still, its a great "universe" to visit every now and then. To be honest I started watching this after trying to learn Turkish. Ive not seen other dramas from Turkye, Im not really into dramas. But ive liked this.
I enjoy the occasional music too.
For sure some of it is cheesy or extreme, but its mostly a vibe of its own broken flowers.