This movie is just bad. Really bad. I don't care how many times Scott Adkins kicks his legs and does the splits. The script is worse than D budget quality, the cinematography is D level, the acting is barely above C quality, and there's some very good actors in there who obviously just wanted a paycheck, Rhona Mitra. If you don't care, don't do it. It will show in your performance and it did. No one really seemed to care. And the original is no masterpiece, but this is beyond bad. And it looks bad. Very cheap looking and they had a jungle to work with. Wow! And the color of the scenes was "meh" The filmmakers had no point of view. This was very amateurish and unoriginal. It's not enough to just have action anymore. You have to have a strong point of view and interesting characters. This had neither. And the action was not good. Just because something is slow motion doesn't mean it's cool. In fact, slow motion is so over used it has the opposite affect. Anyway, I love movies, and if you're reading this I'm sure you do too, but for the love of movies stay away from this lazy target.