For an indie horror film, it was quite funny, than depressing. Although the story is original and quite intriguing with the anti-Trump references. In my opinion, it plays on whatever happens after teen angst... specifically suburban white entitlement. Its about a disillusioned filmmaker, Joseph who can not deal with adulthood. Being born with options even help from his mother in law, since "wifey", Kendra is in despair on combined of her salary and his dreams, won't supply a "bread winner" in the house, who blames her.
Anyways, he mopes around a L.A. Latino barrio, probably being gentrified by hipsters his age. He descends from a slow angst of creative frustration then quickly becomes what Joseph accuses Trump, a "bolstering angry white man"! I'm sorry -- I have seen so many of these frustrated creative people, upset that no one cares about their craft while they live lives of opportunities, but this story ends with acts of violence.
See it for Indie fun, but with a tad of uninteresting characters. I feel this film was trying to bridge the horror genre with art house, that directors like Ti West have been successful at. You can't blame this production crew for trying, I did enjoy the political satiric elements!