I am an occasional watcher. Should say was, because it is no longer being simulcast. I enjoy a good bit of sports radio and TV and consider myself very knowledgeable about the genre. Dan is a very good interviewer and his show can be both fun and newsbreaking.
However as a female watcher, I also find it juvenile and immature. I admire sports personalities (journalists? entertainers?) who can carry a show by themselves or with one or two support people. apparently Dan does need his posse to fill in the gaps. Unfortunately it contributes to a boy's club mentality that is very grating to many women. Those sports Illustrated cover posters are really just over the top in this day and age. I'm no man-hating feminist nor PC liberal always looking to be offended. I'm just saying the show gives out messages that many sports-loving women would find off putting. That we were not quite welcome there. If that is intentional, well, that's fine. It is what it is. If not, a word to the wise.