TL;DR This is my favorite show
I loved China, Il, but Brad Neely's Harg Nallin' Sclopio Peepio is truly the best show I've ever seen. It's one of the best pieces of art I've ever seen. It is a sketch comedy show that primarily riffs on TV and modern culture, with an extreme dose of absurd-ism injected throughout.
I have personally found every single skit to be funny in at least some way; the idea itself, the animation, the dialogue, or even just the life put into the characters by the voice actors. For example, I found the Bruce Willis skit another review mentioned hilarious primarily because of all the different ways the voice actor said Bruce Willis. Every time he said the name it was with a different pace and inflection that struck just the right chord of comedy to me, in addition to to the scene being very reminiscent of a certain scene in Being John Malkovich. Every episode features a guest star which includes the likes of Andre 3000, Jeffrey Tambor, and Ilana Glazer (she's actually a writer on the show and in every episode, don't let IMDb's out of date information fool you)
Some of the sketches are actual poetry. One sketch is a monologue called Human History with Andre 3000 (read by Andre 3000) which reflects on both how far and little we have come as a race since cave people. Another one talks about the plethora of options presented in modern society and subtly suggests they are all meaningless.
And as a last response to some of the negative reviews, trying to explain how I feel they have misinterpreted the show. There are a series of skits throughout the season which starts of as "Ya know, I always imagine (some celebrity)..." and proceeds to describe the absurd way presumably Brad Neely perceives these celebrities. It's always a fantastic absurd story somehow based off the celebrity. One example is when he talks about how Donald Trump wears 2 live goats for shoes, as a symbol of his opulence. Another review mentioned the band Fruit Blood and merely stated they wear BDSM gear. Most members of the band are actually wearing a fantastic combination of BDSM gear and extravagant Brazilian Carnival regalia, while the drummer lays on the floor in a banana suit near death in every episode. Also 2 female mannequins play the keyboard and the mannequins dance along with the band.
And as a last last note, the songs are AMAZING, even better than in China, Il. A number of them will get stuck in your head no matter what you do. Please watch this show it is beautiful <3