"Before We Die" ("Innan vi Dör") is a Swedish crime drama series, one of the best made, in a long time. There's not much to complain about, and even though the series is in 10 episodes within the same story-line, it manages to keep the quality, as well as the pace.
In a script that is both clever and very well written, the actors manage to be as credible as the story is. This is a raw, relentlessly drama that starts with the police Hanna Svensson, played by Marie Richardson – who isn't as boxy as Saga Norén in "Bron" ("The Bridge") – but you cannot exactly accuse her for being socially elegant. Instead, she's pushy and zealous, but with a large sense of justice. Even up to the point when she puts her own son - Christian - behind bars for two years for drug trafficking.
Marie Richardson carries the series and she does it with a nervy presence that engages. Magnus Krepper is wonderfully sleazy as her police colleague. Adam Pålsson does a poignant interpretation as Hanna's son, who wants to make old injustices right again and Alexej Manvelov works perfectly as the villain. With some reservation of stereotyping the bad guys, but that is something you will soon overlook.
I really hope this series will be out there with English subtitles, because I heartily recommend it.