Firstly, I'm not going to re-write a precis of the series - read the IMDb blurb for that. This review is of the series in a general sense... with few specifics.
Watching the first 2 episodes of the series was almost painful, the laughter, the camaraderie and in- jokes usually rampant in a small work-place - where everybody knows everything about everybody else - is stilted and where not so, forced.
However, you only have to look at past, successful, series to see that this is almost always so. A good example would be the pilot episode of Start Trek: The Next Generation, where the bonhomie is totally absent, the acting wooden and any attempts at humour fall flatter than the usual cliché - Yet history records that this series went on to enjoy great success.
The 'laughter track' used in Disjointed does nothing to assist in creating any kind of feedback for the actors - it's used far too frequently and, on occasion, inappropriately - this has been mentioned several times in other reviews and I can't help but agree.
The Main Characters -
Ruth (Kathy Bates) the Dispensary owner/manager is portrayed with a kindness and an edge that few can get away with, giving sensible, worldly advice while not give a sh*t!
Carter (Tone Bell) the Security Guard - a veteran suffering from PTSD - is played with an understated depth of emotion - this is an actor to watch.
Peter (Dougie Baldwin) - the Dispensary 'Grow Specialist' - a child of 'commune life' which, perhaps unfairly, hints at subtle types of abuse. His almost effortless portrayal of the stereotypical 'pot-head' belies extreme acting acumen - it's far easier to play a genius then a fool.
Travis (Aaron Moten) - Son of Ruth, maligned for his MBA and thus his 'giving in to the man' is played with a casual but witty style.
As far as I can tell - the series does nothing to enhance or detract from any arguments for or against the legalism of Cannabis - it's just pure entertainment - and one that just seems to be getting better and better. Perhaps a less frequent use of the F-word might be called for - but seeing as this now seems to be used in just about every type of
media - maybe that the prudish side of this sixty-seven year old reviewer.
Please note, that though I do not use and have never used Cannabis - I do not condemn users nor do I condone it's use - there's room in hell for all of us (apparently!).