After starting watching 1st episode I was thinking - nope, this is a kid show. However, after giving it a bit more time, I continued and watched the whole series. Overall, it's a quality production, there is a lot of social/family issues thrown in and one can benefit from watching it.
IMHO, the cons are - her team are all cute and well acted - but also hardly believable and I was getting tired of the concept. Not sure what target audience the creators were aiming at - as it is mainly pre-teen show, but there is quite graphic violence and some bad language, as well as adult-like sex themes in conversations.
My main beef - it's chiefly a murder mystery, and after ploughing through 10 episodes I was hoping for reveal-all finale, well - you need to wait for 2nd season to get all answers.
There is too many shows about where viewers are being enticed into tuning to next season by leaving story wide open. And - quite often answers never come - when a show gets a chop...