This is a sad reconstruction of the 1970's show. The producers completely missed the mark on why the original was a hit...the original did not take itself too seriously, the host loved the show and did not mock it, the judges seemed real and unscripted.
This version has big, big production values (a huge stage, a huge gong, and an audience made up of good-looking Millennials (why no older people or no schlubs?). Mike Myers parades around mocking the show, himself, the acts, and the judges. The camera cuts to him whenever he does some lame schtick. The judges laugh at EVERYTHING? The audience laughs at EVERYTHING. I guess the producers feel that if everyone is laughing the show MUST be funny! Many acts on the original, although dumb, were at least entertaining. Most of the acts on this show are dumb for the sake of being dumb. The judges, who do not look like they really want to be there, in an attempt to be funny, will gong acts just because they think its funny to gong acts. However, the downside of this, is that a couple of genuinely clever acts were eliminated while other, less creative, acts got high scores.
Finally, the show seems to be completely fabricated in the editing room. Reaction shots from the audience do not feel real...they seem like they were acted out on direction of the producers ("now, we want you to laugh as if you just saw something funny."). And acts are cut the end of the first show and at the end of the second show, when all the acts are brought out on stage, there are a few that were never seen during the show.